
About Us

The 学生成功中心 provides Counseling and 残疾支援服务 in an environment that is wellness-enhancing, inclusive, 欢迎学生.  Please stop by and meet the outstanding Student Success Programs staff and learn about the many programs and services available.

The 学生成功中心 has adapted services to meet your needs during this difficult and unusual time.  Staff is available for face to face, phone and video conferencing appointments.   

所有服务都位于 Orendorff建筑, Room 101.


The 学生成功中心 has professionally licensed counselors who can provide personal, career, and crisis intervention counseling in a confidential atmosphere to any student requesting it.


  • 处理压力和/或抑郁情绪
  • 与朋友、家人或其他重要的人的关系问题
  • 饮食问题和关注
  • Grief and loss
  • 缺乏自尊和自信
  • Anxiety
  • 滥用药物和/或酒精
  • Sexuality



WELCOME 天博! You are about to embark on a journey that may very well change your life in ways you never dreamed possible. 从现在开始,你的旅程需要勇气, commitment, 以及超越此时此地的能力. 你会在很多方面改变自己, 你对世界的看法, 以及别人对你的看法. So often students say, “if only things were different, I could…” And then the visualization stops. So, change yourself, 修改你的人生计划, 展望未来,把自己塑造成一个不同的角色. 在掌握自己命运的过程中, 你经常影响别人对待你的方式. 你会鼓励尊重和钦佩. 这也包括你看待自己的方式. By changing yourself in small ways, you can change one aspect of your world for the better. 让旅程开始吧……

Students with disabilities can work with Disability Services staff to bring their dreams to reality. It takes time, it takes commitment, and it takes the courage to say, “I need help.” Most students would rather pretend that they are perfectly capable of attending college, working, 维持人际关系, 让他们的世界井然有序, 而不是表现出他们无能. The truth is, we all need assistance whether we have a disabling condition or not.

The College offers a number of services to help students with disabilities succeed in their academic work. 安排各项服务, contact Disability Services to talk about your experiences and expectations to help identify what types of accommodations you may need and what information needs to be gathered to support those accommodations.  There are multiple sources and types of information that are useful, including educational records such as an Individualized Education Plan, 教育工作者的来信, 诊断报告, 来自卫生保健提供者的信件, records of past accommodations from testing agencies or employers, 来自当地的信件或记录, state or federal agencies such as an Social Security Disability Insurance determination or Veterans Affairs records.





Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder



学习障碍, 后天性脑损伤, 注意缺陷障碍, 注意缺陷多动障碍



根据美国残疾人法案, a person with a disability is anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially impairs or restricts one or more major life activities. 这些功能可能包括照顾自己, 执行手动任务, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, 学习与工作. 照顾特殊需要, the office of Disability Services coordinates a variety of accommodations to assist students in their academic endeavors. 


The Johnson Fitness Center is providing a list of virtual resources to help maintain your physical and mental wellbeing. 看看下面的居家健身建议吧, 精神卫生资源, 在线学习小贴士, and more!


怀俄明大学YouTube: check at UW's Campus Recreation at their new YouTube channel that will help you stay fit at home!

俱乐部无畏团体健身课程通过ZOOM: for a list of their group fitness classes with local instructors and the link to join, 访问Club Dauntless Facebook页面. 无需会员资格!

Anytime Fitness: check out the Anytime Fitness Facebook page for their list of free virtual workouts!

保罗斯托克和水上运动中心: be sure to look at the free workouts from the 保罗斯托克和水上运动中心 Facebook page from their trainers and instructors!

Popsugar Fitness: 免费获取各种锻炼视频!

Nike Run Club: 跟踪你的跑步和步行与这个免费的应用程序! This app also has a selection of guided runs if you need a little extra coaching!

Explore Outside!

社交孤立并不一定意味着待在家里. Go to a local park, take a walk outside, and, if it is available, go to the mountains! Make sure you follow executive orders and current COVID-19 measures. 一些户外活动可能会暂时受到限制. Here are some options to explore the outdoors while staying inside!

伟大的室内史诗电影: a collection of short films to enjoy on your couch about the great outdoors brought to you by the BANFF Centre of Arts and Creativity. 

国家公园虚拟之旅看看你家后院的美景, Yellowstone, 或其他国家公园!

大角国家娱乐虚拟实地考察: Join the Big Horn National Park on their virtual field trips every Friday that take you into the park and explore its beauty and history! 


Transitioning to online learning or working from home can be tough. Here are some tips to be productive away from the classroom or worksite!

NWC成功学生提示: here are some tips to help students be successful while transitioning to online learning! 

在家工作的5个建议: the BBC gives you 5 tips to keep you productive while working at home. 

带着孩子在家工作: Yale experts share strategies to continue to be successful in your career working from home while managing your household. 



NWC学生咨询服务: for NWC students, don't forget to check in with the Counseling Center whenever you need to. 

引导冥想通过冥想来帮助自己放松! 看看这个免费的冥想指导应用程序列表. 

应对COVID-19期间的压力: here are the CDC's recommendations to manage the added stress of COVID-19. 

Pass the Time



为你的家消毒: here is the CDC's recommendations to cleaning and disinfecting your home from all viruses and bacteria!

春季大扫除清单: might as well get started on your spring cleaning while you're stuck at home!

每天一秒: get this video diary app and "Imagine a movie that includes everyday of the rest of your life."

Tasty: find your love of cooking by watching these free video tutorials on hundreds of recipes!

动物园虚拟之旅: enjoy watching live feedings, baby animals, and playtime with these virtual tours of zoos!